It’s a Jungle Out There (2014) Monkey Love Ep 1
We can imagine our whole future with you, Jeff.
The Race for the Double Helix (1987)
Who knew the most exciting scientific discovery of the 20th century could be so boring?
Robbie the Reindeer (2002) Legend of the Lost Tribe
“Mmm, power. One of the two things in life better than toast.”
Holy Man (1998)
“You say balls too much. Way too in love with balls. Balls. Balls! Balls!”
Chain of Fools (2000)
“We were at the shooting range, and things got a little out of hand.”
The Big Chill (1983)
“The great thing about the outdoors is that it’s just a giant toilet.”
Man of the Year (2006)
Don’t elect television stars as president. Just don’t fucking do it.