“12 Angry Men Inside Amy Schumer” (2015) S3E3



I have never watched Inside Amy Schumer before and I will admit that I was a little nervous! But when Jeff’s nipples showed up through his weird polo/loose tie combo, I was ready for whatever Amy was gonna throw at me! The premise of this was not my favorite. I didn’t love watching 12 angry men debate the fuckableness of a female celebrity, but there were some Very Good Jokes and I laughed out loud several times. So I enjoyed it! Did I enjoy Jeff saying that he has a donkey dick? And then manhandling a wiggly dildo in black and white? Yes, I did. Did I enjoy the dildo fight? Yes, also that. I just wish the entire premise wasn’t about sexism, especially at a moment that I am thinking even more than normal about reproductive rights!


I was on a jury once. I was the only woman with a bunch of dudes, and SURPRISE no one believed the lady witness but me. Even with that incredible experience, I still found this episode charming. I have never seen the actual 12 angry men movie, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was exactly like this. Fuck sexism, fuck our broken justice system. Jeff has a really good face. This is what matters in the end. I’d much rather watch than law & order.

8/10 Goldildoes

12 Angry men inside Amy Schumer

An all-male jury argues over Amy's fate.


Ryan McFaul Amy Schumer


Hallie Cantor Kim Caramele Kyle Dunnigan


Amy Schumer John Hawkes Jeff Goldblum

download (7).jfif

Nashville (1975)


"A fish called Selma" (1996) The Simpsons S7E19