Jeff Goldblum Movie Club

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One of the Hollywood Ten (2001)


So like we had no idea what this movie was about before watching. And then it started with the Holocaust and continued with like, all of America’s problems. Watching Jeff/Herbert (who was a real person!) talk about loving America and wanting the best for the country in a movie made 20 years ago and set 70 years ago and yet we are still seeing and living through the essentially same shit (governement corruption, fascism, racism, etc) was maybe not what I needed today. Jeff looked great, tho. And the outfits! And I honestly think he’s a great actor, but sometimes I struggle to see him as acting and just see him being his weird self, which wasn’t really the right fit for this movie.


So for a movie that opened with Hitler, it turned out to actually be pretty uplifting. American history is dark dark dark. Like, growing up it seemed like fascism was far away, but it has always been here. I would say that I can’t believe the open injustice of throwing people in prison for being communist, but I have live through 2016 and the orange cheetoh’s hijinx, so obviously nothing is sacred. Jeff was adorable and I think he is an idealist in real life and also he’s an ubermensch. He’s really into his wife, and I’m into that.

7/10 Jazz Intellectuals

One of the Hollywood 10 on IMDB

Herbert Biberman struggles as a Hollywood writer and director blacklisted as one of The Hollywood Ten in the 1950s.


Karl Francis


Karl Francis


Jeff Goldblum Greta Scacchi Ángela Molina