“Celery” (2014) Portlandia S4E3


I am pretty sure I wrote about how much I don’t like Fred Armisen in the previous reviews of Portlandia, and, well, I still do not like Fred Armisen. I think he’s gross and creepy and Carrie Brownstein can do so much better in a comedy partner!! Anyway, Jeff was only in this episode for like 15 seconds, but they were definitely the best 15 seconds of this weird episode. I am glad it was just beets, not blood! This was a… vegetable centered episode? And also a crime show? And ultimately a John Grisham novel?! I think there is room for both celery AND bacon in my bloody mary, and I would definitely share a bloody mary with Steve Buschemi (but not Fred Armisen).


It seems like 2014 isn’t that long ago, but like they still had phone booths! And a belief in democracy! So I guess it is. This show feels like early tiktok, in that the skits keep coming and you can’t really stop them. Jeff gets covered in beets, so that’s fun.

5/10 Jefflandias

This episode on IMDB

A celery salesman (Steve Buscemi) goes to great lengths to get celery back on the table. 911 dispatchers assure callers that it's beets. The Order Grill is open for lunch. Carrie declares social bankruptcy.


Jonathan Krisel


Fred Armisen Carrie Brownstein Jonathan Krisel


Fred ArmisenCarrie BrownsteinSteve Buscemi


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