Mad Dog Time (1996)


This movie started with like 20 “friends” and over the course of a few days, everyone shot each other except (spoilers) Jeff and Richard Dreyfuss. Like what? Why does everyone just casually murder their acquantences for like no apparent reason other than to show off their “massive brass balls.” I have no idea what happened, but Jeff was delicious in this. I like seeing him as a romantic lead, which I feel like is surprisingly rare, though maybe one with less murders would be good? He had some good lick lips, but he was pretty normcore in this era. Anyway, this movie had 17% on Rotten Tomatoes and I can see why.


What is Mad Dog Time, you ask? Well, it is when a bunch of white dudes in ill-fitting suits murder each other for no discernable reason. Like I think I got the main plot of some mafia guy getting out of the “looney bin” (isn’t it weird how rich white dudes don’t experience the stigma and consequences of mental illness like everyone else?) and now he wants to find his girlfriend, but OH NO she ran away. Also Jeff is there with a dreamy 90s swoop bang hair cut. Then, they go to an office set up in an abandoned factory and everyone shoots every one else. In the end, only four people survive (spoiler?) and there was some sort of con happening? NO ONE ACTED like murder was a big deal at all, or like being shot hurt or was a big deal. This movie was devoid of actual human reactions or emotions, except for the beautiful and expressive planes of Jeff’s face.

3/Mad Dog Blums

Mad Dog time on IMDB

With his boss in the madhouse, a mobster is temporary boss of the criminal empire just as vicious rivals threaten the control of the empire.

Director Larry Bishop

Writer Bishop

Stars Michael J. Pollard Henry Silva Gabriel Byrne


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