Jeff Goldblum Movie Club

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Annie Hall (1977)


Um. Ok so we have been putting off this movie by Grade-A creep-o Woody Allen for almost two years because we’re never in the mood for it. How did I ever find this movie charming? It’s just a Sad Boi view of women, with some healthy homophobia thrown in. Oh, right, it’s because Diane Keaton acts the fucking pants off of all the men in this movie, as well as all the other women, who were mostly written to be horrible. Diane/Annie is the OG Manic Pixie Dream Girl who finds joy without her Sad Boi, but he constantly wants to drag her down. Jeff is in this movie for one (1) second and while he looked great cradling a silver phone, I wish that this movie was just that one (1) second.


Woody Allen is just the worst. Is there more to say? Alvy was so deeply unlikeable, that I just didn’t understand what secret motivations Annie had to be with him at all. Like he’s not only a narcissist, but a boring one. That’s hard to be! The breaking a fourth wall stuff was probably super innovative in the 70s, but now is just of like “ok, office.” Woody exemplifies like a very specific form of Jewish masculinity stereotype (hello Philip Roth, I’m looking at you) that is at it’s core, only serving anti-semitism and the patriarchy. TWO THINGS THAT ARE NOT GREAT. This movie is not great. Even more Jeff wouldn’t have saved it.

3/10 Goldsadbois

Annie Hall on IMDB

Alvy Singer, a divorced Jewish comedian, reflects on his relationship with ex-lover Annie Hall, an aspiring nightclub singer, which ended abruptly just like his previous marriages.

Director Woody Allen

Writers Woody Allen Marshall Brickman

Stars Woody Allen Diane Keaton Tony Roberts