Jeff Goldblum Movie Club

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“Gods and Insects” (2010) Law and Order Criminal Intent S9E5


Oh my glob how long has it been since we watched a Jeff Law & Order?!?! I forgot how normcore Jeff was in this era. This show is just… bland?? It’s not terrible, but it’s honestly boring. There were a lot of white guys who looked the same. There were some sex workers who were shamed for their jobs. Jeff doesn’t seem like he is taking his cop job seriously, but that also might just be me projecting. But he just felt like Jeff being Jeff, which we know I love. Jeff did save the day in the end, which I think is what he did in the other epsiodes, too. We’re not even halfway done with these episodes!


Maybe it’s because the supreme court decided not to mess with the abortion pill today, but for some reason I was more open to a copaganda show. Jeff really throws his all into his norm core hair cut and multiple leather jackets. He’s SERIOUS, dammnit. Even when he is looking through binoculars at nothing. The plot of this episode didn’t look great for mental health, but I guess maybe it’s just an ad for people with PTSD to get the help they need? Whatever, I’ll take it.

4/Criminal Jeffsintent

A disgraced Iraq War veteran working as a bank manager is accused of killing an escort's boyfriend bent on extortion, but is he really taking the fall to protect his CEO and old war buddy?


Jonathan Herron


Dick WolfRene BalcerTed Sullivan


Jeff GoldblumSaffron BurrowsMary Elizabeth Mastrantonio