Jeff Goldblum Movie Club

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“What if…Thor were an only child?” (2021) What if S1E7


So like, this was FINE, but I am wondering who this show is for? Like do people need more Marvel content so badly that there are just weird cartoons featuring most-but-not-all of the MCU actors voice acting in like a hypothetical situation that doesn’t really advance any plot? But, okay, I am fine with Thor being (futher?) painted as a dumb party jock who is scared of this mother. Jeff/Grandmaster was clearly an underutilited highlight here, with him releasing the foam and scoot-scooting away. I am still waiting for the extended feature “What if… The Grandmaster got his own damn show/movie?”


So this had a very captain planet feel for me, like ok. The plot is that without Loki, Thor basically likes to party so hard he almost ruins the planet until (gasp) his mom comes to admonish him. I don’t understand why captain marvel is suddenly on his side, when he was actually super disrespectful. The best part was working with Bekkah to try to guess who these characters even were. Jeff DJing though…I would go to his dance party.

5/10 What if…Jeff Goldblum was our actual friend?

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What If... Thor Were an Only Child?

Episode aired Sep 22, 2021

Chris Hemsworth and Tanya Wheelock in What If...? (2021)

Thor, who never learned to be a good hero, throws an out-of-control intergalactic party on Earth.